Product Manager vs. Marketer: Who's In Charge of User Onboarding?
How to optimize your sign up process to increase sign-up conversion rate by 15%. Step 2 of 5 on how to double the revenue of your SaaS product.
6 Less Known Methods To Improve Your Google Analytics Accuracy
SaaS growth experiment: fast signup vs. considered signup. How to choose the right signup strategy for your SaaS.
Product challenges have a significant negative effect on CSM’s performance. These are the most common issues a CS team might face.
The Growth Hacker’s Guide To Better Onboarding
A highly engaged user is someone who regularly receives value from your app. But exactly how engaged do you have to be to be considered a highly engaged user?
The world of analytics took a turn for the best in the last years, and 2022 looks even more promising.
Why and how to replicate AB Testing experiments?
Find out the 7 steps SaaS companies need to take to align their teams and generate better results.
10 Ideas to help you identify a viable SaaS pricing strategy. Tips from experts to help you improve your Saas pricing strategy.
How to improve your first week retention rate after onboarded by 15%. Step 4 of 5 on how to double the revenue of your SaaS product.