Stop wasting time and start validating your educated guesses before investing any more resources into experiments. Run a Minimum Viable Test instead!

Take more people to the North Star Metric and their chances to stick with your SaaS product or app will increase significantly.

How to find the first customers for your SaaS? Four SaaS experts ideas to help you get your first customers.

How to find the first customers for your SaaS? Four SaaS experts ideas to help you get your first customers.

Find what is the exact path customers use to convert, and you can replicate it again and again, making sure more clients are taking the same path.

I thought that by now developers would have understood that they can’t earn a living without the marketing team. So why are marketers even around?

Creating an onboarding tour is not a set-and-forget task. Use data-backed insights to continuously iterate and improve.

B2B customer onboarding process tips: how to optimize your user onboarding time.

Who owns product onboarding? What's a healthy mix between product-led and sales-led onboarding? What are the most important onboarding KPIs?

Need to make more objective business and marketing decisions to grow your business? Read this to find out which metrics to track to do exactly that.

The Net Active Users metric shows you how many users you can count on in a given time period, and offers you a clear image of your company's growth trend.

Leverage the rule of 72 for a proven growth plan to double your SaaS revenue.