Data Deep Dive Analyses

Detailed data narratives built specifically for your data and business context, including explanations, visualizations, and recommendations.


Explore these analysis examples to see exactly what you'll receive based on your data and how they can support your business strategy:

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Identify the profile of your Power Users
Understanding and leveraging Power Users is crucial for driving growth and engagement for a SaaS company.
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Identify the Habit Moment - the key to long-term retention
This data-deep-dive analysis focuses on identifying the main activation metrics.
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How to Optimize the Onboarding of your app
See how this Data Deep Dive Analysis can give you the exact data-driven insights needed to optimize your onboarding flow.
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How to reduce churn
How to reduce churn? Short answer: by increasing the retention. The long answer involves diving into data and understanding better where you lose customers and why.

This deep dive is for Product and Marketing decision-makers who need actionable data insights to refine their strategies — without guesswork or endless A/B testing.

We only need access to your existing data warehouse or a back-end export. Our technical team will perform the necessary data transformations.

No. InnerTrends services are designed to cover the gaps that your existing tools don't cover or to complement the skills of your data team.

We will simply follow these steps:

  1. Request analysis - Schedule a call or write us about your current challenge.
  2. Get proposal - We create the analysis proposal (including the available timeline, data needed, and pricing details).
  3. Validate project - Based on the data required, we will validate if there is enough data to run the project
  4. Data Setup - We connect to your Data Warehouse and map data to your Customer Journey.
  5. Analyze data - We do the analysis, generate insights, and present findings and recommendations.
  6. Use insights - You incorporate the insights into your strategy.

Once the analysis is complete, you'll receive a detailed analysis narrative that clearly explains the key insights we’ve uncovered along with the necessary data, charts, and other materials to sustain the insights.

See an example here.

Note: The structure and depth of the analysis will depend on the available business context and data.

In addition to the narrative, we’ll also schedule a dedicated call to walk you through the analysis, ensure everything is clear, and discuss the best next steps for optimizing your business strategies.


Want to shape effective strategies based on data?

Let’s discuss how Data Deep Dive Aanalyses can help you.
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Ready to dive into the data? Share the details of your current challenge, and our team will review it through a data-driven lens.